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Transfer of innovations is affected by numerous barriers understood as “any kind of limitations and features that hamper the effective functioning of a technology transfer and research commercialisation system, and, as a result, block interactions between the R&D sector and enterprises, therefore impeding the development of innovative entrepreneurship”. Taking into account the importance of the problem from the scientific and practical points of view, the application of technological innovations is acknowledged as a driver for economic and social development.

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SAMPLE: License Transactions and Royalty Rates

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Sở hữu trí tuệ được thừa nhận rộng rãi như một công cụ phát triển kinh tế. Các Thành viên WIPO đã yêu cầu cung cấp nhiều thông tin hơn nữa về cách thức mà sở hữu trí tuệ có thể giúp tạo ra sự thịnh vượng trên thực tế.
Cuốn sách này, Chuyển giao công nghệ thành công, nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu đó. Cuốn sách hướng dẫn cách thức chuẩn bị cũng như tiến hành các cuộc đàm phán chuyển giao quyền sử dụng các đối tượng sở hữu trí tuệ (li-xăng).
Cuốn sách Chuyển giao công nghệ thành công chủ yếu hướng vào đối tượng độc giả là các doanh nhân, các nhà quản lý công nghệ và những nhà khoa học cần thực hiện các hoạt động li-xăng trong công việc của mình. Với mục đích này, Cuốn sách chia các điều khoản của hợp đồng li-xăng thành bốn “nhóm” chính và tập trung nhấn mạnh một số vấn đề then chốt trong mỗi nhóm đó.

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Intellectual property is the central resource for creating wealth in almost all industries. The foundation of commercial power has shifted from capital resources to intellectual property. Nowhere is this truer than in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. In fact, the definition of capital resources is shifting. No longer does the term capital resource bring to mind balance sheets of cash or pictures of sprawling manufacturing plants. The definition of capital includes intellectual property such as technological know-how, patents, copyrights and trade secrets. Corporations once dominated industries by acquiring and managing extensive holdings of natural resources and manufacturing facilities. Barriers to entry were high because enormous amounts of fixed asset investments were required to attempt displacing well-entrenched players. Today, companies that once dominated industries are finding themselves fighting for survival. Up-start companies are creating new products and services based, not on extensive resource holdings or cash hordes but on intellectual property resources.

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Most high-tech ventures require the licensing of patents, trademarks, copyrights or trade secrets to or from third parties. Licensing is a specialty in which experience is the critical factor. Before entering into license negotiations, however, it is useful to know the basic terms and conditions of a patent license.

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This research work proposed that innovation, knowledge, and technology transfer process capability model can contribute in collaboration between science and business sector. InnoSPICE model can be one of the effective mechanisms in improving research result quality and to increase scientists’ motivation in promotion and dissemination of their founding. Given approach is also applicable for any process oriented activity assessment and
improvement and can be adapted to any organization needs. Future plans are related to the promotion of Riga Technical Universities research results and further adaptation of the proposed technology transfer model for systematic transfer.

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Manufacturers possessing proprietary technology, know-how or ‘brand value’ in their products and who are looking to expand their operations sometimes consider licensing. Pursuant to a licensing arrangement, the Licensor typically offers a Licensee the right to produce and distribute the Licensors’ products for a defined period in exchange for a royalty. Licensing arrangements frequently are associated with international expansion efforts, where the Licensor does not have the resources to penetrate a new market on its own, and therefore finds a ‘partner’ that is familiar with, and has an established infrastructure in the territory. From the standpoint of the Licensee, a licensing arrangement can provide it with access to proprietary technology and other intangible benefits that would otherwise be difficult, costly, or in the case of patented products, impossible or impractical to develop on its own.
The first issues that normally arise in discussions between the Licensor and Licensee when negotiating a new licensing arrangement or modifying an existing arrangement are the terms of the license agreement and the amount and structure of the royalty payment. These issues are directly interrelated. This article examines various factors that normally should be taken into account when establishing an appropriate royalty rate, including the related provisions frequently found in license agreements.

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Luật CGCN (sửa đổi) gồm 6 Chương, 60 Điều đã sửa đổi căn bản những vấn đề:

- Phạm vị điều chỉnh

- Chính sách của NN đối với hoạt động CGCN

- Biện pháp thúc đẩy phát triển thị trường KH&CN

- Công tác thẩm định công nghệ dự án đầu tư

- Quản lý NN hoạt động CGCN

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Báo cáo Năng lực cạnh tranh toàn cầu năm 2015 WEF:

  • Năng lực cạnh tranh của Việt Nam đứng thứ 6 Đông Nam Á
  • Trình độ công nghệ xếp hạng 92/140

Kết quả đánh giá trình độ công nghệ của doanh nghiệp TP:

  • Tỷ lệ doanh nghiệp xếp hạng trung bình: 60% - 70%
  • Doanh ngiệp nhỏ và siêu nhỏ: 96%
  • Doanh nghiệp vừa: 2%
  • Doanh nghiệp lớn: 2%

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